Care Dynamics successfully implemented its tactical planning methodology and its decision support software DynamicPlanner in various hospitals. To-date our client hospitals are all general hospitals, ranging in size from mid-size (300 beds single-location) to large/complex (800-1000 beds multi-location).
Two such examples, highlighting our earlier Tactical Planning projects in two classical trendsetter hospitals in the Netherlands, are provided as case-studies: our very first project at Westfriesgasthuis in Hoorn, North Holland; and the project at the Hospital Group Twente (ZGT) in Almelo and Hengelo, Overijssel, where we are proud to continue pursuing advanced Joint Development Projects (JDPs) until today.
The overarching aim of Care Dynamics in its implementation projects is to make the client organisation self-supporting in its introduction of Tactical Planning as quickly as possible. The decision support software DynamicPlanner is the analytic framework that supports this process, by providing a consistent and standardised way to get insights into and across the hospital processes at the tactical level.
As with any deployment of a new business process, a careful change management is an integral part of the project, leading the new decision-making forum at the hospital (the Tactical Planning Meeting) on a path to improving a range of capacity-planning and patient-logistic related processes by using our Tactical Planning concepts.