In collaboration with EY (Ernst & Young) Netherlands, Care Dynamics deployed its patient-logistics methodology and decision support tool at the two locations of the Hospital Group Twente in Hengelo and Almelo, the Netherlands.
The Hospital Group Twente (or Ziekenhuisgroep Twente in Dutch) is a general regional hospital in the province of Twente, the Netherlands, with two locations - in Hengelo and in Almelo. The Group was formed in 1998, and provides high quality medical treatment and diagnostics to an area of coverage of around 300,000 residents. Together, the two locations have close to 1000 beds and 3400 staff.
The Hospital Group intends to use the tactical planning business process implemented by Care Dynamics and EY (Ernst & Young) to achieve a structural increase of 10-15% in patient throughput over the coming 5 years - without additional capital investment; and to facilitate managing the Group's service-level agreements with the healthcare insurers. To facilitate this, the Group established two Tactical Planning Executive-committees, centrally coordinated and empowered to manage the patient logistics in both locations. The Group further deployed the advanced decision support and optimisation environment DynamicPlannerTM to support the Committee's activities and help optimise the plan.